Special Discounts

September 2024

First Time Clients

First time REALTOR® clients can enjoy an introductory savings of up to 10% off our standard (non-discounted) pricing schedule for a single residential photo shoot.  

Please use the code 1stTimer when checking out with your order.  

10% Off!

Newly Licensed REALTORS®

If you are a newly licensed agent - within the past 12 months - send us your license number and we will verify your original issue date on the DBPR website. Newly licensed clients enjoy an introductory savings of up to 50% off our standard (non-discounted) pricing schedule for a single residential photo shoot.

Please use the code NewAgent when checking out with your order.

50% Off!

The fine print: These introductory offers are only valid for an initial single residential booking and only one offer is valid per client. In other words, they are not stackable or repeatable. In order to have the discount applied during the purchasing process, (after viewing your proofs) you simply enter the code into the payment system while checking out. It's a good deal. Call us with any questions.